CBD: A Holistic Approach
Today, natural plant compounds are finding their recognized place alongside Western Medicine with plant botanicals becoming essential sources for the development of new pharmaceuticals.
The Earth is an enormous Bio Pharmacy. It always has been, but the relevance of Nature and its extraordinary ability to provide all living creatures both food and healing has been lost in modern Life and Western medicine. As people move to urban areas away from the land, the connection to the Earth, Seasons and to natural rhythms have become no longer meaningful or understood. Plant based medicinal healing is often thought of as primitive medicine and the fields, gardens and forests become only a pleasant view to enjoy.
One need only consider the complaint by many conservationists and pharmaceutical companies of the deforestation of the Amazon, lamenting the loss of so many potential healing compounds lost before they were discovered.
The Hemp plant with its abundant medicinal possibilities, has suffered an identity crisis. It’s origin as a healing plant has been almost forgotten by its current association with marijuana and the erroneous idea that it is a psychoactive, recreational drug or agent of abuse.
On the contrary, it is an amazing plant of some 100 chemicals referred to as Phyto cannabinoids, many of which have distinct and valuable therapeutic effects that we are only beginning to understand. These Phyto-chemical compounds give to CBD its ability to intercede and calm various symptoms and conditions for which Users find significant relief. Despite current strict regulations, the US Government, in recognition of these potential untapped benefits, holds several Patents for future Cannabidiol medical usages.
Current research, data and FDA approval for CBD based medications has aided in a better understanding and awareness of the plants health benefits and helps in restoring its place in Holistic, traditional treatments, a respected place it occupied for thousands of years. The Hemp plant and traditional Herbal remedies have their place alongside Western medicine and can be used in a synergistic relationship to benefit the health and well-being of us all.